Friday, July 13, 2012


There's been a lot of that going around in WV. The story of the big storm of June 29 is out-dated by now, but still noteworthy. We had little rain but terrific winds. Some places in the state reported 79 mph winds. It sounded like the proverbial freight train coming along the ridge. Terrific wind damage all over the state brought electric power to a halt. The only physical damage at Teelside was a large oak limb that fell on the shed and tore up some of the roof, which was promptly cut away with chain saw by my handy-dandy Wayne Bunyon.  The woods behind us look like a war zone - limbs and trees down all over the place. Looks like some more firewood will be down for the taking in the future.

Our power outage lasted 12 days. Wayne 'babied' the generator night and day all that time. So we lost no food stuffs. Between generator duties and unusually high temperatures he wasn't getting much sleep and not being able to do any computer work was also quite frustrating for him. On the other hand, I made it an opportunity to loaf i.e., read, write, crochet and read some more. For me it seemed a not so unpleasant break in routine, but readily admit I was very glad to be able to do laundry when the power returned.

Early morning balcony time brought these lines.....


God be praised for morning's dawning,
Birds that warble, mist that cloaks
Yonder ridges with their wonder -
Shifting, subtle, feath'ry strokes;
Cotton candy of the summer
Icing mighty limbs of oak.

July days alight with beauty
Stretching as they yawn awake,
Reaching out in search of heartstrings,
New acquaintances to make;
Every dawn an unclaimed palette
Fresh and clean -- with no mistakes.

What a blessing, what a privilege
That we see God's precious plan:
Time each morn for new beginnings,
Light to guide the path of man,
Ours to take in daily measure,
His to give -- oh, praise His name!

pjt 07/09/2012

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