Saturday, August 19, 2006

I want YOU!!!

[The mother I cherish in memory]

Recently reading about DS-Ian clinging to Sarah, crying, “I want YOU!” as she was leaving him at kindergarten nearly broke my heart. What a heart wrenching saga. I’m fairly certain it was harder on Sarah than Ian, but Ian might not think so now.

When our DS-David was five he spent over a week in the hospital for major kidney surgery. How well I remember leaving him alone in that hospital room when visiting hours were over each day. (Hospitals had "no parents” rules in those days…shudder.) He was so good and brave, but it broke my heart to leave him. I still cry when I think of that.

Though partings are a part of life – hopefully a part of better things ahead – they can in the meantime be pretty painful.

On the other hand, it occurs to me that little Ian’s appeal truly touches a mother’s very nature. For as long as a mother lives this tender thread will abide within her: a mother will always want to be needed and need to be wanted ... because her nature is to nurture.

So, it matters not your age or hers, should you have/make opportunity today to show your mother that you cherish her motherhood, it would be a good thing. In fact, it would be a VERY good thing.

Am I preaching again? No, just nudging, if you're in the market for a nudge.


Susan said...

Would that I could. I so envy my friends who have mothers still active in their lives. Mine died when I was 9 and I'll never *really* get over it.

Isobel said...

Peni, I finally figured out how to read your post. I just copied it and pasted it to another page and enlarged the print. For some reason it is so small in the blog that even straining, I cannot read it. What a lovely post.

Trisha said...

My children make sure I know that they love me. It feels good.

Isobel said...

Oh, oh, accidentally I must have done something to your site on my computer because now when I open it, the font is really big and easy to read.