Monday, July 24, 2006


I can't remember a summer without garden critters to adorn the kitchen window or stove. A potato that looks like a hippo, a squash riding piggy- back or this cute cuke who turned out to be not an ugly duckling after all.
We've gone from extremely hot and humid to lovely cool nights and pretty clear days here. Last week was green bean canning, applesauce and applebutter making time. I have a container of sauce in the freezer for making applebutter with Splenda one of these days. Any hints?
GF gave in (to Nines, mainly) and made an appt with the cardiologist. He had a pretty good week last week. Isn't that the way it goes - the symptoms always lessen after you call the doctor. He was extra tired yesterday, but I think he's worried about all the family worry and has promised himself he won't complain. Not that he ever did much of that, and not that I'm not a bit sceptical still :o)
Don't you just love it when you look down and your plate and everything on it is fresh from the garden? Yesterday - poor man's stew, green beans, beets, squash and cukes. And blackberry cobbler for evening dessert. Corn and tomatoes were missing, but should be ripe in a week or two.
[The cobbler was fair, but I'm thinking those thornless wonders make better jam than anything else.] The plan is to get out the serger I'm not to be tied to the keyboard for long. Besides, it's coffee time.

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