Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Reunions and To-Do Lists

‘Tis the season - for Family Reunions and To-Do Lists. I’ve always been a fan of lists. I once read that the way to become successful is to list every day the 5 most important tasks at hand and accomplish them in order. Completing only one most important task a day leads to success. I suppose more than one would make you even more successful. Lists are very helpful; and these days they are absolutely essential for me. But, I pride myself on the fact that I do not yet have ‘brush your teeth” on my list.

As for success, I have quite a dilemma. I have no less than 35 things on my list and only 2 - 8 days left to accomplish them - actually, only one day until the Moyers arrive and two days before the Miller Reunion. On the bright side, there is now just ONE list on ONE side of the paper…and it even has a FEW checked off items. Aww - you’re right, it’s just plain hopeless. Guess, as usual, I’ll rely on the ‘kids’ to save the day and maybe my sanity (presuming the latter is possible, sigh).

My mother’s family holds a reunion in Flatwoods WV each year the first Saturday in July. I missed last year, so list or no list I can’t back out. What to take, what to take? About have menu items pared to size (except for GF’s last minute suggestion), and there’s a small assortment of things in the box for the auction. I’m so glad Laurie and Audrey will be here to help me pull it together.

Week after this we have sweet expectations of all the children and grandchildren (26 + us) coming to camp in the meadow. We’ve done it before, only this time we have municipal water (plenty) and no need for the outhouse, which has to be an improvement. Such wonderful memories we build! GF has a few big muscle jobs on hand (to make the guys feel manly and useful), but we hope to get a lot of play in as well. I can hardly wait - one reason I can’t get my lists done is I’m too excited to stay on task! Of course GF is already praying for everyone’s safe delivery and a wonderful time together.

Tomorrow is grocery shopping day, but that list is quite short thanks to Laurie’s mode of operandi. On paper it looks like I will only help cook one meal. Is that possible? Maybe so. We do plan to keep it simple.

So I must confess if my list is daunting it is largely because I have procrastinated doing household chores and my mind is out to pasture with Bob the Bull. Oh Well! Enough is enough. I must quit listing before I fall flat on my nose and go practice rinsing dishes REAL WELL, for Laurie will be here very soon… Hurry home safely, all my honeys!

Sorry David, but that lovely lettuce is all but gone. How about cabbage?

1 comment:

Isobel said...

I make 'to do' lists and then misplace the list--perhaps subconciously---but then I am a few years older than you so I have an excuse. Enjoy those kiddies!